On 10/04/2020 21:44, Elliott Dehnbostel wrote:
Hello Everyone,
I've also posted this to the python-ideas mailing list, but I thought to
post here as well for a more general audience.
If I've done this incorrectly, please let me know so that I can
improve/revise. I'm new to the Python community and quite enjoy the more
functional features of Python 3, but have I have a peeve about it. I'd like
to propose and discuss the following enhancement to Python 3:
*Consider the following trivial for-loop:*
chars = "abcaaabkjzhbjacvb"
seek = {'a','b','c'}
count = 0for a in chars:
if a in seek:
count += 1
Gross. Twice nested for a simple count.
a) I don't personally think that's gross (apart from the missing
newline, which is just an email artefact I assume).
b) If it's simple like this and you care enough, refactor it as a
count = sum(1 for a in chars if a in seek)
It it's not so simple, neither the comprehension nor your proposal are
going to be as readable as the twice nesting.
Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd