On 19/04/20 1:51 AM, Souvik Dutta wrote:
I literally tried it!!! And it did not stop because I did not get any 1.0 rather I got 0.99999999999 But why does this happen. This is a simple math which according to normal human logic should give perfect numbers which are not endless. Then why does a computer behave so differently?

Please don't top-post - (human) conversations are normally question followed by answer, not the other way around!

Computers use binary, not decimal - asked and answered (see previous first response, below)

On Sat, 18 Apr, 2020, 7:02 pm DL Neil via Python-list, <python-list@python.org <mailto:python-list@python.org>> wrote:

    On 19/04/20 1:07 AM, Souvik Dutta wrote:
     > I have one question here. On using print(f"{c:.32f}") where c=
    2/5 instead
     > of getting 32 zeroes I got some random numbers. The exact thing is
     > 0.40000000000000002220446049250313
     > Why do I get this and not 32 zeroes?

    Approximating decimal numbers as binary values.

    Do NOT try this at home! How many lines will the following code display

      >>> v = 0.1
      >>> while v != 1.0:
    ...     print(v)
    ...     v += 0.1

    As an exercise, try dividing 1.0 by 10.0 and then adding the result to
    itself ten times.

    Back in the ?good, old days, a Computer Science course would almost
    certainly involve some "Numerical Analysis", when such issues would be
    discussed. Not sure that many institutions offer such, these days...
-- Regards =dn -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

Regards =dn

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