On 2020-04-21 12:02 PM, Simone Bravin wrote:

I found that I had downloaded Python from what I would call "automatic check version link" and that downloaded the 32-bit version, but my notebook have 64-bit, so I changed the version to the 64-bit one.

I have had the same problem in the past. Most software download pages seem to detect whether you are running 32 or 64 bit, and default to the correct download option.

Python shows a big yellow 'Download the latest version for Windows' button, which most people will select by default. However, it actually downloads the 32 bit version, without any indication that this is what it is doing.

I could have the details wrong - I am not going to repeat the install just to check. But this is what I recall from the last time I did this.

This seems like a good time to bring this up, as in another thread we are discussing how to improve the download experience on Windows for newbies.

Frank Millman


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