On Thursday, April 23, 2020 at 6:47:04 PM UTC-7, DL Neil wrote:
> On 24/04/20 1:24 PM, Deac-33 Lancaster wrote:
> > I'm aware that you can find the type of a variable with
> >     type(var)
> > 
> > But are there Boolean operators in Python3.8 to test the data type, e.g.
> >    is_floate(var)
> >    is_string(var)
> > etc. ?
> You are close! https://docs.python.org/3/library/functions.html#isinstance
> > (If this is the wrong group for this question, what group should I use.)
> We're happy to help. There is a Python-Tutor group which is a good 
> 'home' for beginners or new-converts to Python...
> -- 
> Regards =dn

DL Neil,
Much thanks, exactly what I was looking for.  
And I found and joined Python-Tutor.  Is there a way to see all of the groups?

Mucho thanks,

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