Le 12/04/2020 à 23:40, Paul Rubin a écrit :
You might have heard by now that John Horton Conway died yesterday at
age 82, of complications from the SARS-Cov2 aka Corona virus.  Among his
many cool accomplishments was inventing the Game of Life, which was one
of my first exercises as a beginning programmer in middle school.  That
program used the naive approach of representing the game board as a 2-d
array and scanning all its cells at each generation.

Far better programmers and mathematicians than I am worked on
fantastically optimized Life programs and made wonderful discoveries
about Life patterns.  See https://conwaylife.com for a sample of that.

I never got too heavily into Life programming myself, but a year or two
ago I thought of a quite simple way to write a Life program whose
running time at each generation was linear in the number of active cells
(unlike my first program that I had written as a kid, whose running time
and space consumption was potentially unbounded even with a fixed

In Conway's honor I'm appending the simple program (28 lines of Python)

RIP, Prof. Conway.


from itertools import chain

def adjacents(cell):            # generate coordinates of cell neighbors
     x, y = cell                 # a cell is just an x,y coordinate pair
     return ((x+i,y+j) for i in [-1,0,1] for j in [-1,0,1] if i or j)

def update(living):             # living = currently living set of cells
     def ncount(cell):           # number of living neighbors of cell
         return sum(1 for c in adjacents(cell) if c in living)
     def uninhabitable(cell):    # check if occupied cell should die
         return not(2 <= ncount(cell) <= 3)
     def fertile(cell):          # check if empty cell should have a birth
         return ncount(cell) == 3

     # get set of cells (living or not) that are adjacent to some living cell
     neighbors = set(chain.from_iterable(adjacents(c) for c in living))

     frontier = neighbors - living # the empty cells adjacent to living ones
     births = set(filter(fertile, frontier)) # are where births can happen
     deaths = set(filter(uninhabitable, living))
     return (living - deaths) | births

if __name__ == '__main__':
     r = set([(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,2),(-1,1)])  # R-pentomino
     for i in range(1,1110):   # it should stabilize at generation 1104
         print (i,len(r))      # show generation number and population
         r = update(r)

I found in a Game Of Life program (not mine) a very clever method to
update a board of cell as a whole

It worths seeing it.

X is a numpy 2D ndarray

def evolve(X):
    ''' Evolves a board of Game of Life for one turn '''
    # Dead cells as a boundary condition
    # Count neighbours
    # Alive if 3 neighbours or 2 neighbours and already alive

    Xi = X.astype(int)
    neigh = np.zeros(Xi.shape)

    neigh[1:-1,1:-1] = (Xi[:-2,:-2]  + Xi[:-2,1:-1] + Xi[:-2,2:] +
                        Xi[1:-1,:-2] +                Xi[1:-1,2:]  +
                        Xi[2:,:-2]   + Xi[2:,1:-1]  + Xi[2:,2:])

    return np.logical_or(neigh==3,np.logical_and(Xi==1,neigh==2))

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