Special issue on Recent Advances in Autonomous Vehicle Solutions in the Digital 

Computing Journal, Springer Nature


The domain of autonomous vehicle computing systems is changing rapidly under 
the pressure of an intense competition, the continuous emergence of new markets 
and players. Research and development in autonomous vehicles poses many 
challenges and opportunities both in hardware and software across the Digital 
Continuum: from sensors at the Edge to HPC resources in the Cloud. Hardware 
requirements range from specific processor architectures, efficient SIMD 
processing on graphics processors, and efficient memory hierarchy. Similarly, 
software requirements range from operating system support and specialized image 
processing kernels, to efficient deep learning algorithms for scene and object 
detection. Special attention is paid to power limitations, cost for mass 
production, and safety.

This special issue of Computing addresses recent advances for autonomous 
vehicles in the Digital Continuum encompassing the Edge, Fog, and Cloud 
Computing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

- Workload characterization and benchmarks for autonomous vehicles to be used 
in heterogeneous platforms.
- Special accelerator architectures and microarchitectures to be used on the 
- Resource allocation approaches for autonomous vehicle computation needs.
- Scheduling heuristics and run time environment solutions to achieve better 
throughput in computing systems with different constraints.
- Framework and prototype experiences with integration of specialized 
- Testbed implementations with heterogeneous computing resources for autonomous 
- Memory system design for specialized hardware.
- System impact of offloading computation including interconnect technology, 
bandwidth, and data processing.
- Programmability of heterogeneous hardware resources with variable distances.
- Techniques to facilitate configurability or configurable solutions.
- System evaluation and analysis of specialized platforms.


- Ozcan Ozturk (Lead Guest Editor), Bilkent University (TR),
- Sabri Pllana, Linnaeus University (SE), 
- Smaïl Niar, Université Polytechnique Hauts-de-France (FR), 
- Kaoutar El Maghraoui, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center (US).


- Submission Due: 1st Sep 2020
- First Review Notification: 1st Nov 2020
- Revision Due: 1st Dec 2020
- Final Review Notification: 1st Feb 2021


Formatting: All submitted manuscripts must be formatted according to 
Computing's Submission Guidelines/Instructions for Authors which are available 
at https://www.springer.com/journal/607. We will accept both LaTeX manuscripts 
(Springer templates to be found under Submission Guidelines/Instructions for 
Authors/Text) and word manuscripts (for which no templates are available).

Manuscript length: Please note that the page limit for Special Issue 
submissions differs from that of regular Computing submissions. Manuscripts 
submitted to the Special Issue should not exceed 20 pages. Submission that do 
not comply with this requirement are likely to be desk rejected without being 

Submission instruction: Manuscripts should be submitted using the online 
submission system at https://www.editorialmanager.com/comp/default.aspx. 
When submitting a manuscript for this special issue, authors should select ‘SI: 
Autonomous Vehicle Solutions in the Digital Continuum’ during the submission 
step 'Additional Information'.

Submissions of “extended versions” of already published works (e.g., 
conference/workshop papers) should be significantly extended with a relevant 
part of novel contribution (at least 30% new work). A “Summary of Differences” 
between the submitted paper to this special issue and the former one must be 

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