On Mon, 25 May 2020 19:25:08 +0100
MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:

> On 2020-05-25 19:00, Ciarán Hudson wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > In the code below, which is an exercise I'm doing in class
> > inheritance, almost everything is working except outputting my
> > results, which as the function stock_count, to a csv. stock_count
> > is working in the code. And I'm able to open and close the csv
> > called cars, but the stock_count output is not being written to the
> > file. Any suggestions? 
> [snip]
> > 
> >      def stock_count(self):
> >          print('petrol cars in stock ' + str(len(self.petrol_cars)))
> >          print('electric cars in stock ' +
> > str(len(self.electric_cars))) print('diesel cars in stock ' +
> > str(len(self.diesel_cars))) print('hybrid cars in stock ' +
> > str(len(self.hybrid_cars))) 
> > 
> >      def process_rental(self):
> >          answer = input('would you like to rent a car? y/n')
> >          if answer == 'y':
> >              self.stock_count()
> >              answer = input('what type would you like? p/e/d/h')
> >              amount = int(input('how many would you like?'))
> >              if answer == 'p':
> >                  self.rent(self.petrol_cars, amount)
> >              if answer == 'd':
> >                  self.rent(self.diesel_cars, amount)
> >              if answer == 'h':
> >                  self.rent(self.hybrid_cars, amount)
> >              else:
> >                  self.rent(self.electric_cars, amount)
> >          self.stock_count()
> >          
> >          file = open("cars.csv","w")
> >          file.write(str(self.stock_count()))
> >          file.close()
> >            
> In 'stock_count' you're telling it to print to the screen. Nowhere in 
> that function are you telling it to write to a file.

I think something gets written to 'cars.csv', namely the string 'None'.



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