On 30/05/20 4:52 AM, connor.r.no...@gmail.com wrote:
In an effort to clean up my python logging practices when creating libraries, I have 
begun reading into "Advanced Logging" and converting my logging practices into 
logging configuration `.ini` files:


My question is: When defining a FileHandler in a `.ini` file, all of the 
examples that I've seen hardcode the name and location of the log file. In the 
code snippet below, `python.log` is hardcoded into the `.ini` file:

args=('python.log', 'w')
[code reference 

Desired Behavior:
On each run of the program, a new logfile is created in the `logs/` directory named 

Current Behavior:
The format in the example above overwrites a single file called "python.log" on 
each run, which is not the desired behavior.

Question: Is there a standard procedure for using .ini files to create a new 
logfile prepended with the current Unix timestamp on each run of the program?

There is nothing in the PSL to do this (to my knowledge) - correction/education welcome...

However, it is a fairly standard pattern to take a base-name from a config file (.ini in MSFT wording) and then to post-process to suit the application's purposes.

In this case, adding a timestamp makes sense - although perhaps a more human-readable option unless file-name length is a concern.

The pattern is to:
Compute the (log) file-name.
Check to see if it name already exists (in this directory).
Re-compute if necessary - rinse-and-repeat.

Something like: Make unique file name https://code.activestate.com/recipes/577200-make-unique-file-name/
Regards =dn

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