On 4/06/20 2:22 PM, Kelley Hudson wrote:
    Keep getting an error when trying to us Python with Pycharm. I uninstalled
    it but this was the error I received.

    Sent from [1]Mail for Windows 10


    Visible links
    1. https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=550986

Many folk are security-conscious and will not click on links provided by unknown people (apologies for sounding unfriendly).

Recommend you copy-paste the exact message into an email (also request a descriptive Subject: which will help anyone with a similar problem to search the archives). Also, it may help to know the OpSys (assuming MS-Windows), the version of Python, and that of the Pycharm IDE...

Meantime, the Pycharm folk have invested considerable time and effort in their on-line manual. Is there an answer there about how to link particular (versions) Python interpreters to the current project?
Regards =dn

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