What is the current status of Python OpenCV interface i.e. the opencv

\OpenCV\samples\python\contours.py gives following ERROR:
OpenCV Python version of contours
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "\OpenCV\samples\python\contours.py", line 6, in ?
    from opencv import cv
ImportError: No module named opencv

but I can't find any hints towards a opencv Python module.

OpenCV means IntelĀ® Open Source Computer Vision Library. It is a collection
of C functions and a
few C++ classes that implement some popular Image Processing and Computer
Vision algorithms.

This is the best what I was able to find using Google, but it seems to lead
dated  2005-02-02 (the original page was not available, but Google has a
cache :/):
Before putting a lot of effort in SWIG wrapping of OpenCV ourselves, we
searched the web for already existing Python wrappers. There has been some
work on the topic, but none that satisfied our needs, since we're interested
in wrappers for the current and future OpenCV releases that provide access
to the data structure internals.:

  a.. http://www.swig.org/ - The SWIG homepage
SWIG Bug ???[754443] conversion of preprocessor math", one of the bugs that
make direct SWIG wrapping of OpenCV headers impossible.
  c.. http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~rstancha/oss.html - Basic SWIG wrapping for
Python and OpenCV (see above). This is where we took PIL and Numeric
convertor ideas from.
  d.. http://members.tripod.com/~edcjones/pycode.html - An older attempt to
SWIG wrapping OpenCV for Python. Uses manually rewritten OpenCV headers that
are not portable to current OpenCV releases (Beta 3 and Beta 4 not working).
  e.. http://blueruby.mydns.jp/opencv/index.rbx?cmd=view;name=top - Ruby
wrappres for OpenCV (see above). Sorry, this page is in Japanese .


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