On 2020-07-06, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 6, 2020 at 11:06 PM Jon Ribbens via Python-list
><python-list@python.org> wrote:
>> The 'json' module already fails to provide round-trip functionality:
>>     >>> for data in ({True: 1}, {1: 2}, (1, 2)):
>>     ...     if json.loads(json.dumps(data)) != data:
>>     ...         print('oops', data, json.loads(json.dumps(data)))
>>     ...
>>     oops {True: 1} {'true': 1}
>>     oops {1: 2} {'1': 2}
>>     oops (1, 2) [1, 2]
> There's a fundamental limitation of JSON in that it requires string
> keys, so this is an obvious transformation. I suppose you could call
> that one a bug too, but it's very useful and not too dangerous. (And
> then there's the tuple-to-list transformation, which I think probably
> shouldn't happen, although I don't think that's likely to cause issues
> either.)

That's my point though - there's almost no difference between allowing
encoding of tuples and allowing encoding of sets. Any argument against
the latter would also apply against the former. The only possible excuse
for the difference is "historical reasons", and given that it would be
useful to allow it, and there would be no negative consequences, this
hardly seems sufficient.

>> No. I want a JSON encoder to output JSON to be read by a JSON decoder.
> Does it need to round-trip, though? If you stringify your datetimes,
> you can't decode it reliably any more. What's the purpose here?

It doesn't need to round trip (which as mentioned above is fortunate
because the existing module already doesn't round trip). The main use
I have, and I should imagine the main use anyone has, for JSON is
interoperability - to safely store and send data in a format in which
it can be read by non-Python code. If you need, say, date/times to
be understood as date/times by the receiving code they'll have to
deal with that explicitly already. Improving Python to allow sending
them at least gets us part way there by eliminating half the work.

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