On 7/21/2020 5:32 AM, Peter Slížik wrote:
Hi list, two related questions:

1. Why do functions used to iterate over collections or dict members return
specialized objects like

type(dict.keys()) -> class 'dict_keys'
type(dict.values()) -> class 'dict_values'
type(dict.items()) -> class 'dict_items'
type(filter(..., ...)) -> class 'filter'
type(map(..., ...)) -> class 'map'
type(enumerate(...)) -> class 'enumerate'

instead of returning some more general 'iterable' and 'view' objects? Are
those returned objects really that different from one another that it makes
sense to have individual implementations?

Yes. The dict views have to know how the dict is implemented to extract the keys, values, or pairs thereof.

The transformers each have different code. I suppose that each could instead pass a function to a generic 'transformer' class, but the indirection would just make execution slower and hide the specific info as to what the iterator is doing.

2. Why do these functions return iterators instead of iterables?

The view are iterables. They can be iterated more than once and used in other operations.

The transformers should be once-through iterators because they can be passed once-through interators. I suppose one could make them iterables and add an attribute 'pristine' set to True in __init__ and False in __iter__, but why have 2 objects instead of 1 when there is not gain in function?

First, I
find it confusing - to me, it is the loop's job to create an iterator from
the supplied iterable, and not the object that is being iterated over.

Python's design that iter(iterator) is iterator is extremely handy.

Note that iterators can be driven directly with next(), and not only indirectly with for...

Suppose line iterator 'file' has a header line with field names and multiple data lines. One can do

it = iter(file)
fields = next(file)
<process fields>
for line in it:
    <process data line in light of fields line>

Yes, one can add a flag variable 'first = True' and inside the loop
    if first:
        first = False
        fields = line
        <process fields>
but the 3 extra boilerplate lines add nothing.
        <process fiel

second, with this design, iterators are required to be iterables too, which
is confusing as hell (at least for people coming from other languages in
which the distinction is strict).

I guess I was fortunate to not have to unlearn anything ;-).

Terry Jan Reedy


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