On 8/1/20, MRAB <pyt...@mrabarnett.plus.com> wrote:
> On 2020-08-01 21:58, Barry wrote:
>> On 31-7-2020 22:10, Tanmay Shah wrote:
>>> After downloading Python 3.8.5 IDLE, an error message popped up,
>>> saying the code execution cannot proceed because python38.dll was
>>> not found. What should I do in order to use the Python interpreter?
>> I have never had to reboot windows when installing python.
>> Was I lucky?
> No. I've never had a problem with it either.

I don't know what "[a]fter downloading Python 3.8.5 IDLE" means to the
OP. For a successful installation of Python 3.8 using an "executable"
or "web-based" installer from python.org [1], the file "python38.dll"
will be installed in the same directory as python.exe and will thus
always be found.

[1] https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-385

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