On 07/08/2020 05:33, Skip Montanaro wrote:
Hmmm... Rename genes, fix Excel, or dump Excel in favor of Python? I know
what my choice would have been. :-)


At the risk of screaming off-topic...

The article does point-out that MS-Excel is attempting to be helpful in identifying data, and thus formatting it appropriately. The human-error is exposed: "opens the same spreadsheet in Excel without thinking, errors will be introduced". So, should the mistake be laid at the feet of the tool? (No matter that I/many of us here will agree with your preference/predilection!)

The reason that a Python solution would not have this problem is less to do with Python, or even Gene nomenclature. It is because when we (professional projects) code a solution, we proceed through design-stages. We think about the data to be transformed, as well as the process of transformation itself.

Of course, if we develop-by-prototype: adding a chunk of code 'here' and another chunk 'there', with no top-down view; the very same sort of problem could so-easily occur! - despite and/or because of Python's fast-and-loose dynamic typing, for example.

I postulate that the issue really stems from MSFT's Training Approach. They start from the level of 'here is a column of numbers let's total them', and then run through every command on the menus/ribbon. Their material rarely talks about 'design' - and few individuals have the patience/are afforded the budget, for the 'advanced courses' that do! NB the same applies to MS-Word, etc.

MS-Excel (or better: LibreOffice Calc, etc, from the F/LOSS stable) is a powerful tool with the additional virtue that it is easy to use. Thus, people are able to concentrate on the demands of their own speciality, and use of the tool becomes 'automatic' or 'muscle memory'. A mark of "success" if ever there was one!

Unfortunately, this forms the mind-set of folk creating a worksheet in an organic (prototype-as-product/design-less) fashion, and certainly when picking-up someone else's spreadsheet (per quote, above).

However, the article continues to describe the tool: “It’s a widespread tool and if you are a bit computationally illiterate you will use it" and using any tool - particularly when also using someone else's data, without over-view thought, is a bit like the old prank of asking some 'innocent' to "format c:" - and ultimately, as fatal.

If we started an MS-product solution from 'design', then we would commence with templates and styles - that column of the worksheet would be formatted as a string, eg "MARCH3", and not left to MS-Excel's 'intelligence'/tender mercies.

So, is it an Excel-problem? Is it a human-laziness problem? Is it plain ignorance? Is it a training/learning issue?

We expect people driving a car to know how to drive - without expecting them to be professional drivers (racers or truckies). Why don't we expect people manipulating statistics and other forms of information to be appropriately-able?

That they would alter the jargon and thinking of an entire discipline to suit the sub-standard, overly-bossy, commonly-used tool is surely 'putting the cart before the horse'...

That said, names do matter. How often do you search the web for some detail of/in Python and find an insinuation of snakes nestled amongst the results - or someone thinks that it is time for a joke about swallows or parrots? I don't have time to imagine how the folks who use C or R manage!

PS programming languages also include 'danger zones'. Early in my career I found a similar embarrassment of 'infallible belief in the tool', with the same consequence of research papers containing erroneous numbers/bases/conclusions being published. A suite of programs declared storage 'arrays' and populated them with (knowingly) incomplete data (reasonably complete, not exactly "sparse") - but forgetting that this technology required the data-arrays to be zeroed first! So, random data from previous use of the same storage area, in random formats, threw all manner of 'spanners in the works'. When you take such news to your boss and colleagues, do NOT even try to convince yourself that they will not "shoot the messenger"!
Regards =dn

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