Let me first say that I don't know if my post is on topic with the
mailing list. If so, please inform me.

My idea seems to be very simple (so probably it's not simple at all):
a language similar to Python, but statically compiled.

(Yes, I know Cython, RPython, Julia, Rust...)

Since I've not great skill in low-level programming, I'm trying first
to define what I really want.

My core ideas are:

1. Statically compiled (of course...). So if you write:

var a = 1

the variable `a` is an integer and it's value can't be changed to
anything that is not an integer

2. Use of smart pointers. Instead of having a refcount in every
object, the language implementation will use a smart pointer as a sort
of "proxy" to the "real" pointer. This could allow the language
implementation to delete the object only when really necessary (lack
of memory) and/or do JIT optimizations (move the object to a slower or
a faster memory; compute and cache some object attributes, as hash;
remove object duplicates...)

3. functional programming under-the-hood. Users can write also in
imperative style, but in the language implementation only the
functional style is really used. This way *maybe* it's more simple to
write concurrent programs without a GIL.

But I have a lot of doubts. The one that bothers me most is: compile
to binary or to C?

My idea at the beginning was to compile to C code without creating an
AST. Virtually any system has its own C compiler. Maybe it *seems*
more simple, but it's quite more difficult?

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