On 23/08/2020 19:31, Rob Cliffe via Python-list wrote:
On WIndows 10, running Python programs in a DOS box, I would like one Python program to chain to another.  I.e. the first program to be replaced by the second (*not* waiting for the second to finish, as with e.g. os.system).  This doesn't seem a lot to ask, but so far I have been unable to so this.  I am using Python 3.8.3.  Some attempts so far (may be nonsensical):

What is the definition of "finish" in the first program?
Not sure if have understood <<<(*not* waiting for the second to finish, as with e.g. os.system)>>>. In Python, the easiest way to chain two "modules" is to use import. This gives full control to the 'import-er'.

# File X1.py
import os
print("This is X1")
os.execl('C:\\Python38\\python.exe', 'X2.py')

# File X2.py
print("This is X2")

# File X1.py
import os
def fn():
    print("This is X1")
    os.execl('C:\\Python38\\python.exe', 'X2.py')
    #  !!!!!

# File X2.py
def fn():
    print("This is X2")

# File x3.py
import x1
import x2
print( "x3 terminating" )

Regards =dn

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