On 5-9-2020 19:40, Mats Wichmann wrote:
On 9/5/20 7:54 AM, f.le...@omnias.fr wrote:

I commit an error to install python because I chose python 3.8.5 x32bytes

So I wanted uninstalling it to install python 3.7.9 x64bytes

why not 3.8.5, by the way?

But 3.8.5 version don't want uninstall !?!

what does this mean?   uninstall should work like any uninstall on your
platform. in what way doesn't it want to uninstall?

And so I have the twice in my computer now ! How can I do to uninstall 3.8.5

it doesn't hurt to have more than one.  If you're on Windows, and use
the Python Launcher, you can show all your installs, and use it to
select the one you want:

py --list
py -3.7        # specifically pick 3.7
py -3.8-32   # pick 32-bit 3.8, if both 64-bit and 32-bit are installed
py -3-64      # pick latest 64-bit Py3

The one reason you might be unhappy with both is that the Python
Launcher picks the highest numbered one as the default, so just


would get you 32-bit 3.8.   if both 64-bit and 32-bit of same version
are installed, the 64-bit one is preferred.

D:\TEMP>python -V
Python 3.8.5

D:\TEMP>py --list
Installed Pythons found by py Launcher for Windows
 -3.7-64 *

Can you explain above?

D:\TEMP>where py

D:\TEMP>where python


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