I'm looking for feedback on Artie 3000 the Coding Robot. It's recommended
by wirecutter.com for introductory programming for ages seven and up
(though stemfinity.com
<https://www.stemfinity.com/Artie-3000-The-Coding-Robot> says 7-12). I was
thinking about getting it for my grandson who's turning 12 next month. I
worry the introductory lessons might be kind of boring for him (though he's
very into Minecraft, so who knows), and I've seen nothing online about
transitioning to programming Artie using Python. His dad's a techie, so I'm
not worried if he gets stuck. Here's the manufacturer's page
<https://www.educationalinsights.com/artie-3000-8482-the-coding-robot> for
the tool/toy.

Any feedback appreciated...


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