
gMail <valjhu...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello, All
> We all know Python is a wonderful environment,
> with fantastic packages for App Dev like Flask,
> SQLAlchemy and Django.  Now let’s make it the only
> reasonable choice for building database-oriented
> systems.
> I’d like to introduce 2 new capabilities:
> Build a web app in 10 minutes: this generator
> <https://github.com/valhuber/fab-quick-start>
> builds basic multi-page, multi-table apps based on
> Flask AppBuilder and SQLAlchemy; here’s an article
> <https://dzone.com/articles/instant-db-web-apps>
> 40x reduction in backend code: this rules engine
> <https://github.com/valhuber/python-rules> uses
> spreadsheet-like rules to automate SQLAlchemy
> multi-table derivation and constraint logic.  The
> readme and samples show how 5 rules equate to 200
> lines of code.
> The potential value is substantial: a 40X is
> reduction is not only helpful for our projects,
> but has the potential to expand our community.
> The second project is in-progress.  If you have
> feedback on the general value or particular
> features, I’d love to hear from you.  And if you’d
> like to help, super!
> Best,
> Val

Also, just a suggestion: how about a way to
bootstrap tests. I haven't really seen that on
theGH link shared above.

Bonface M. K. (https://www.bonfacemunyoki.com)
Chief Emacs Mchochezi / Twitter: @BonfaceKilz
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