On Tue, Sep 22, 2020 at 11:13:50AM +0200, Agnese Camellini wrote:
> I mean do i have a keyword to obtain all the methods and the 
> attributes of
> a class in python?

In addition to the `dir()` that others have mentioned, I'll add that 
developing interactively is very common, especially in ipython/jupyter 
sessions or notebooks. With these, you have tab completion or question 
mark documentation.

For example, if you have an instance `myobj` of the class `MyClass`, 
then in an ipython session, typing `myobj.<tab>` will open up a list of 
all the methods for objects of `MyClass`. And given an object or 
funcation, appending `?` will bring up the documentation (as given in 
the docstring) for that object or function. This is true even for 
user-defined functions and objects, even if they were defined during the 
same interactive session.

Good luck!

David Lowry-Duda <da...@lowryduda.com> <davidlowryduda.com>

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