On Sun, Oct 11, 2020 at 3:01 AM Peter Pearson <pkpearson@nowhere.invalid> wrote:
> Python advocates might want to organize their thoughts on
> this subject before their bosses spring the suggestion:
> From 
> https://www.sciencemag.org/news/2020/10/we-re-part-problem-astronomers-confront-their-role-and-vulnerability-climate-change
>  :
>     . . . Astronomers should also abandon popular programming languages
>     such as Python in favor of efficient compiled languages. Languages
>     such as Fortran and C++, Zwart calculates, are more than 100 times
>     more carbon efficient than Python because they require fewer
>     operations.

Ahh, yes, a new way for people to worship the little tin god. How cute.



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