On 10/17/20 4:12 PM, Steve wrote: > The line: > with open("HOURLYLOG.txt", 'r') as infile: > works but, when I rename the file, the line: > with open("HOURLY-LOG.txt", 'r') as infile: > does not. The complaint is: Cannot Assign to operator > > However, I have: > BPM_O2s=open("BPM-O2-Readings.txt","a") > And it works. > > At first, I thought the issue was due to having the - in the filename. > > Is there a fix or explanation for this? > Steve
I am unsure if this will help but you could try putting an r in front of the quotes to make it take raw data only.
ie. with open(r"HOURLY-LOG.txt", 'r') as infile -- https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list