On 2020-11-09 21:04, Quentin Bock wrote:
grade = input("Enter your grade: ")
if grade >= 90:
     print("You got an A ")
if grade >= 80:
     print("You got a B ")
if grade >= 70:
     print("You got a C")
if grade >= 60:
     print("You got a D ")
if grade >= 50:
     print("You failed")

How can I make this to say if your grade is 90 or higher BUT less than 100
you got an A,

In addition to other the answers, you should note that the 'input' function returns a string, so you'll need to convert that string to a number, most probably by using 'int', and, ideally, print a helpful message if that raises ValueError because it's not a valid number.

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