On 16/12/2020 07:52, Dan Stromberg wrote:
...> BTW, I tend to prefer collections.defaultdict over the two argument D.get
or setdefault.

Contrarily, dict.get() seems 'better', unless (a) the dict's values are all to be initialised to the same value, eg all None, int 0, or empty list []; or (b) my fingers will be tired by the number of dict.get() calls to be typed.

This thought partly because it may be some 'distance' between the definition of the 'dict' as a defaultdict cf the built-in 'original', and therefore a simple boy (like me) finds it easy to forget or 'lose track'.

Also, because it is unusual to come-across a default-factory which initialises values to the defaultdict other than uniformly.

Have you seen any application of defaultdict with some more-complex and cleverly-designed default-factory function?

Other than personal-preference (which should be respected), and a uniform default-value, what is the rationale for defaultdict over dict.get()?
Regards =dn

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