Paul Bryan <> writes:

> Maybe this will help:
>>>> def get(key, default):
> ...   print("entering get")
> ...   print(f"{key=} {default=}")
> ...   print("exiting get")
> ... 
>>>> def generate_default():
> ...   print("entering generate_default")
> ...   print("exiting generate_default")
> ...   return 1
> ... 
>>>> get("a", generate_default())
> entering generate_default
> exiting generate_default
> entering get
> key='a' default=1
> exiting get

OK, so it even has nothing to do with dict.get().  It is just about the
way function arguments are evaluated.  Your example above illustrates
nicely that Python does what I would expect, although from the examples
others have given, I might have to adjust my expectations when using
other languages.



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