Steve M wrote:
> >My goal is to combine two different numbers and
> encrypt them to create a new number that cann't be traced back to the
> originals.
> Here's one:
> def encrypt(x, y):
>     """Return a number that combines x and y but cannot be traced back
> to them."""
>     return x + y

Or you can use sha1 so you can't do basic checks to find out. :)
It seems to me like he's trying to do some DH like thing, so yea, he
might rather a hash

**** UNTESTED ****

import sha1
def encrypt(x,y):
    ''' Return a number that combines x and y but cannot be traced back
to them. Number returned is in xrange(2**24). '''
    def _dosha(v): return
    return int(_dosha(_dosha(x)+_dosha(y))[5:11],16)


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