In comp.lang.python, Chris Angelico  <> wrote:
> There are multiple definitions for "day of year", depending on how you
> want to handle certain oddities. The simplest is to identify Jan 1st
> as 1, Jan 2nd as 2, etc, to Dec 31st as either 365 or 366; but some
> libraries will define the year as starting with the week that contains
> the Thursday, or something, and then will define days of year
> accordingly.

That sounds like some weird off-shoot of the ISO-8601 calendar. That
document primarily concerns itself with weeks. Week 1 of a year is the
first week with a Thursday in it. The last week of a year will be either
52 or 53, and you can have things like days in January belonging to the
week of the previous year. Wikipedia gives examples:

If you are operating on that, then it might indeed make sense to number
the days from YYYY-W1-1. I can't say I've ever encountered that. Since
W1-1 is always a Monday on the ISO calendar, it would have the neat
property that you could always turn day of year into day of week with a
mod operation. It would have the quirk that years are either 364 or 371
days, neither of which most people would answer when asked "How many
days are there in a year?"

I've only used ISO dates for by-week graphs, because they have the nice
property of "all weeks are seven days", so you don't get oddball weeks
screwing up your plots.

> If you want an easy way to graph day-by-day data and the exact day
> numbers are irrelevant, what I'd recommend is: Convert the date into
> Unix time, divide by 86400, floor it. That'll give you a Julian-style
> date number where Jan 1st 1970 is 0, Jan 2nd is 1, etc, and at the end
> of a year, it'll just keep on incrementing. That would get you past
> the 2020/2021 boundary pretty smoothly.

That works well. The previous suggestion using January 1st 2020 as an
epoch start is also good.

also finds "week starts on Monday" to be oddball about ISO-8601

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