heres the deal. i am working on a threading gui. pygtk in one class (main) is all the gui stuff, but in another class that is a thread, i am reading serial input. what i want to be able to do is take what read in the thread and print it in a textview in the gui class.
here is what i have: class Serial1(threading.Thread): def __init__(self): threading.Thread.__init__(self) def run(self): ser = serial.Serial('/dev/ttyS15', 2400, timeout=None) loopy = 1 while loopy < 5: for x in range(5): Input1Data = 'buncha data and timestamp\n' gobject.idle_add(self.buffer_add, Input1Data) def buffer_add(self, Input1Data): Input1Iter = self.Input1Buffer.get_end_iter() self.Input1Buffer.insert(Input1Iter, Input1Data) class Main(SimpleGladeApp): def __init__(self, path="", root="Main", domain=app_name, **kwargs): path = os.path.join(glade_dir, path) SimpleGladeApp.__init__(self, path, root, domain, **kwargs) self.MessageBuffer = self.MessageView.get_buffer() def on_StartEnginesButton_clicked(self, widget, *args): Input1Iter = self.MessageBuffer.get_end_iter() Input1Data = 'Reading Serial device ttyS14 \n' self.Input1Buffer.insert(Input1Iter, Input1Data) time.sleep(1) S1 = Serial1() S1.start() basically, i need a way to pass data, actually the control of the textview wiget in and out of a class. is this possible? --