On 15/01/2021 14.01, Stefan Ram wrote:
"Michael F. Stemper" <mstem...@gmail.com> writes:

                              Of these, only EcmaScript has
Math.sqrt() as part of the language, and that could be partly
due to the fact that the language doesn't have any concept of
"import" or "include".

   You do not need to use the import statement in Python,
   but can also use the expression

__import__( "math" ).sqrt( 4 )

I had no idea that syntax existed, and find it completely at odds
with The Zen of Python. I'm torn between forgetting that I ever saw
it and using it for some evilly-obfuscated code.

I hope that it satisfies the OP.

Michael F. Stemper
I feel more like I do now than I did when I came in.

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