On 18/01/2021 08.12, omid mohammadi wrote:
> On Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 9:31:58 PM UTC+3:30, MRAB wrote:
>> On 2021-01-17 13:57, Karsten Hilbert wrote: 
>>> Am Sun, Jan 17, 2021 at 02:20:24AM -0800 schrieb omid mohammadi: 
>>>> When I open the sentinel-2 image in Python, I get the following error: 
>>>> MemoryError: Unable to allocate 115. MiB for an array with shape (5490, 
>>>> 5490) and data type float32 
>>>> How can I fix it? 
>>> You can install more RAM. 
>> Or maybe the OP is running 32-bit Python but the code needs >2GB. If 
>> that's the case then using 64-bit Python might fix it, assuming that 
>> it's a 64-bit machine.
> Yes, it is 64.
> Excuse me, can you explain how I can fix it?

What is "64" - the machine or the Python package?

>From where did  you download Python?

What is the code being used to read/load the image?

What do you mean by "the sentinel-2 image" - most of the images (which I
spotted in a *quick* survey) made available to the general public are of
the order of tens of mega-bytes. (a URL might help people trying to
replicate the problem!)

Be advised that everyone 'here' is a volunteer. Please help us to help you!
Regards =dn


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