Mr Flibble schreef op 15/02/2021 om 0:32:
On 14/02/2021 23:00, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
I'm not saying that it is unfeasible or very difficult. I'm saying that it is a lot of work, and for a single 
developer who has this as a side project / support for his graphics engine and who wants to beat existing 
implementations wrt. speed, I'm saying it is going to take a lot of time. It'definitely impossible by 
"defining a few JSON schema files", as Leigh claims with his "universal compiler". There 
definitely IS a lot of stuff in a baseline CPython interpreter - a (seemingly) simple thing like 
"print" will have an implementation of 1000 lines in C with all the formatting library, file I/O 
etc. Arbitrary precision integers - another library, networking - yet another and so on.

There will only be one schema file and it is will be a relatively small task which 
certainly isn't "impossible": I should have a working implementation by the 

So your claim is that your compiler is able to, or will be able to, compile any language just by specifying a small schema file. Great!

Do you maybe have a proof-of-concept? A simple language with a simple schema file to test the basic workings of your compiler, like your neoscript or perhaps something like a minimal variant of Python? I'm curious what such a schema file would like look, and especially how you use it to not only specify the syntax but also the semantics of the various languages.

Is it your intention to not only compile procedural and object-oriented languages, or also functional languages such as Haskell, Ocaml, Scheme?

"Honest criticism is hard to take, particularly from a relative, a
friend, an acquaintance, or a stranger."
        -- Franklin P. Jones

Roel Schroeven


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