I wonder if someone has come up with a sort of Python environment that lets 
kids play with more fundamental parts of the language that lets them get 
educated without the confusion. I mean a limited subset and with some 

Someone mentioned how something like range(1,10) is confusing as it now not 
only does not produce a list on 1 to 9 or 1 to 10 but produces an object that 
only can be viewed well by doing more advanced things like iterating it.

So why not have a module called something like EDUCATION which is loaded into 
the school version automagically and implements what you want. Make a function 
called SchoolTimeRANGE strange(here, there)  (or whatever) that returns 
something like list( range(here, there)) so the student never sees a range 
object or yet knows there are objects to object to. If you want it to include 
the last item, include "there". Want it to start at 0 or 1, do that.

As I see it, really limited languages make you work hard. Some of the LISP 
variants I used ages ago were so damn simple that you had programs largely 
consisting of combinations of CAR and CDR so dealing with some nested list data 
structure was painful enough that people had functions with name like CDDADAR 
to access some particular part. The same goes for various simple and limited 
languages that can do anything but won't keep a student in a room. Python is 
not limited and should not be but it should be taught progressively so basic 
computer concepts are learned before you learn arguably better ways. A 
beautiful thing about a list is it can be reused. Something with an iterator 
control can mysteriously be drained.

So what is wrong with much of basic python, especially slightly extended? Feel 
free to tell them to use, strange() above for now as it lets them see what is 
happening step by step and mention that LATER they can (or must) switch to 
other functions normally used that may be more efficient or general.

What I like about good parts of Python and that makes it good for teaching is 
that much can be written in almost normal English. Do you even need to use 
range(1,6) when you can ask the students to just type:

numbers = [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ]
for index in numbers:

Yes, later, introduce ways to loop from 1 to N by using better methods. List 
comprehensions? Why introduce them at all as most other languages do not have 
them and they are just syntactic sugar.  

If the goal is to introduce children to simple algorithms, keep them simple. 
Forget elegance or efficiency or being pythonic. But past a certain point, when 
they are ready, sure, add more. At some point it is helpful to learn that 
instead of keeping multiple arrays or variables in parallel, you could capture 
them in one object and tell the object what to do with itself and so on. Maybe 
later, show some tricks with functional programming. But don't START with 
elegant recursion methods.

I see no major barrier to teaching using python for children who can handle 
indentation 😉 albeit they still have to learn to balance parentheses and quotes 
(sometimes) and brackets and braces ...

What I think is good is that they can practice in front of an interpreter and 
get immediate results, not like I did with index cards that were handed in and 
returned a day later, or having to wait a long time for a compile to complete, 
with errors.


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