> On Feb 16, 2021, at 8:10 PM, Jason Friedman <jsf80...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I set listen(2) and expect to see "error" when more clients than "the
>> maximum number of queued connections" trying to connect the server. But, no
>> error!! Even 4 clients can run normally without problem.
>> Am I misunderstanding the meaning of this argument?
> https://docs.python.org/3/library/socket.html#socket.socket.listen:
> Enable a server to accept connections. If backlog is specified ... it
> specifies the number of unaccepted connections that the system will allow
> before refusing new connections.
> So I read that to say that the listen method will accept as many connection
> as it can handle, and will put into a backlog those it cannot. Your
> argument of 2 tells the method to allow up to 2 not-yet-accepted connection
> requests.
> -- 

Hi Jason,
The backlog parameter specifies the number of connection requests that the 
kernel network stack has waiting for the application layer to process. So, it’s 
at a lower level than the listen system call, which is the application layer 
API into the kernel network stack that simply establishes the socket. Listen 
doesn’t actually touch any data. Once the accept system call has touched it, 
then the network stack no longer counts it in the backlog. Backlog is a network 
stack queue associated with the application socket. The backlog is managed by 
the network driver software. Moving bits down there is extremely efficient. And 
the driver wouldn’t process and pass packets up the stack, if the backlog was 
maxed out. That would be very inefficient — rather the driver would drop the 
packets at the network driver ring buffer in such case. That’s at the API into 
the network stack looking up from the network driver.

Here is a good description from the perspective of the bottom of the tcp ip 
stack API into the network card driver, discussing the processing of packets 
depending on state of the backlog for the socket.




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