On Fri, 26 Feb 2021, 2qdxy4rzwzuui...@potatochowder.com wrote:

That's what my emacs looks like, minus the light-grey frame (the window
manager's frame and border are enough for me). Emacs has themes now, but
my setup is very old; all I did was set the "base" text background and
foreground colors and set a flag that says "I have a dark background
rather than a light one."

Emacs: +1. I've been using it for more than two decades. It will provide
syntax coloring (on the black background) for Python as well as other
languages and file types.

Did you have a Python question?  ;-)

Perhaps he didn't but he should know that by opening a shell within emacs he
can run his python code there.

Long ago someone wrote that Emacs is an operating system that includes the
kitchen sink. A friend of mine working for Sharp Electronics did all his
work in Emacs, including email and web browsing (back when a text-based
browser was sufficient.)


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