I don't see a Python program in that link.

Are you asking how to extract data from a CSV?
A good start will be to look into the csv.reader function and
csv.DictReader class.


On Thu, 2021-03-04 at 12:36 -0800, alberto wrote:
> Hi I'm tring to write a program with python to evaluate data of csv
> data
> In particular I would extract this information 
> View data on the presence of men and women in Affori over time.
> * Carry out an analysis relating to the last available year. Of the
> 10 most populous neighborhoods show:
> * the proportion of births out of the total
> * the proportion of 80+ to the total
> * The ratio of minors / number of kindergartens
> this is the file
> https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zKflvSpB-oDAqYscLsEgUhSnqL1XPdql/view?usp=sharing
> How could fix it?
> regards 


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