On 06/03/2021 12:43, Manfred Lotz wrote:
On Sat, 6 Mar 2021 12:00:33 +0100
Manfred Lotz <ml_n...@posteo.de> wrote:

Let us say I have a package which reads a TOML file.

I want to give the user of my package the choice to decide if he wants
to use the toml, tomlkit or rtoml package.

So, in case the user chose to use rtoml then there should be an import
only for rtoml, aso.

How could I achieve this?

I got the following minimal example working but presumably my solution
isn't the best way.


class Xtoml:
     def __init__(self, which='rtoml'):
         self.which = which

     def parse_toml(self, toml_string):
         if self.which == 'rtoml':
             import rtoml as toml
         elif self.which == 'tomlkit':
             import tomlkit as toml
             import toml

         return toml.loads(toml_string)


from xtoml import Xtoml

toml_string = """

basedir = "/myproject"


def main():
     xtoml = Xtoml('toml')
     parsed_toml = xtoml.parse_toml(toml_string)

     xtoml = Xtoml()
     parsed_toml = xtoml.parse_toml(toml_string)

if __name__ == "__main__":

As long as you use a common subset of the functions provided by the packages you can just do

def main():
    global toml  # if you want to use the toml package elsewhere
                 # in your module

    chosen_toml = ...  # get package name
    toml = importlib.import_module(chosen_toml)

    data = toml.loads(toml_string)

However, the user usually doesn't care, so I would recommend that you be bold and pick the package you prefer ;)


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