On 12/03/2021 10.26, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 12Mar2021 05:31, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Mar 12, 2021 at 3:37 AM Serhiy Storchaka <storch...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> assert(expensive_computation())
>> Do you have any asserts like that, or is that a purely theoretical
>> complaint? I have never once seen anything that costly - usually it'll
>> be something like checking a length (and this isn't C's strlen, since
>> Python can get lengths of all built-in types quickly), or some simple
>> checks.
> That's very much in the eye of the beholder. Usually my asserts are 
> pretty cheap. But there are two scenarios where they accrue significant 
> cost.
> Scenario 1 is where I'm maintaining some data structure, possibly with 
> fiddly corner cases. That associated class may have a self_check method 
> to verify integrity, and that can land in an assertion. Potentially 
> quite expensive.
> Scenario 2 is the performance critical function which nonetheless is 
> complicated (or just... long). I've written a few of these and littering 
> the code with asserts becomes necessary to check correctness, 
> particularly if you're modifying it. Not everything lends itself to unit 
> tests - we often want to be assured of things in the middle of a 
> process.
> In scenario 2, each assert is pretty cheap, but their cumulative effect 
> has a significant performance impact. Being able to turn them off 
> altogether is a distinct real world win.
> (To those crying "break it up", sometimes that is hard because of the 
> embodied state, and sometimes that is unwanted because of the 
> performance impact (function calls aren't free and neither is the 
> packaging-into-parameters needed to turn an operation into a function 
> call); for 99% of code both of these are cheap enough, but in this niche 
> they're a problem.

Having read this, and @Chris' points, am wondering if I'm missing a/the

(Scenarios 1 and 2, plus leaving the asserts to run in case of
'accidents' during production-execution)

When testing the integrity of some collection of data, why use assert
over raising a descriptive and class-identified exception?

Both can be trapped by 'higher-level' code. Both can provide

Is assert so much faster/cheaper than try...except...raise?

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