On 24Mar2021 12:00, Avi Gross <avigr...@verizon.net> wrote:
>But I wonder how much languages like AWK are still used to make new 
>as compared to a time they were really useful.

You mentioned in an adjacent post that you've not used AWK since 2000.  
By contrast, I still use it regularly.

It's great for proof of concept at the command line or in small scripts, 
and as the innards of quite useful scripts. I've a trite "colsum" script 
which does nothing but generate and run a little awk programme to sum a 
column, and routinely type "blah .... | colsum 2" or the like to get a 

I totally agree that once you're processing a lot of data from places or 
where a shell script is making long pipelines or many command 
invocations, if that's a performance issue it is time to recode.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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