Il 04/04/2021 11:13, Chris Angelico ha scritto:
On Sun, Apr 4, 2021 at 6:26 PM jak <nos...@please.ty> wrote:

Il 01/04/2021 01:14, Chris Angelico ha scritto:
I think this code makes some sort of argument in the debate about
whether Python has too much flexibility or if it's the best
metaprogramming toolset in the world. I'm not sure which side of the
debate it falls on, though.

class Building:
      resource = None
      def __init_subclass__(bldg):
          print("Building:", bldg.__name__)
          def make_recipe(recip):
              print(recip.__name__.replace("_", " "), "is made in a",
bldg.__name__.replace("_", " "))
          bldg.__init_subclass__ = classmethod(make_recipe)

class Extractor(Building): ...
class Refinery(Building): ...

class Crude(Extractor):
      resource = "Oil"
      time: 1
      Crude: 1

class Plastic(Refinery):
      Crude: 3
      time: 6
      Residue: 1
      Plastic: 2

class Rubber(Refinery):
      Crude: 3
      time: 6
      Residue: 2
      Rubber: 2

Full code is here if you want context:

Subclassing Building defines a class that is a building. (The ellipsis
body is a placeholder; I haven't implemented stuff where the buildings
know about their power consumptions and such. Eventually they'll have
other attributes.) But subclassing a building defines a recipe that is
produced in that building. Markers placed before the "time" are
ingredients, those after the "time" are products.

There are actually a lot of interesting wrinkles to trying to replace
__init_subclass__ on the fly. Things get quite entertaining if you
don't use the decorator, or if you define and decorate the function
outside of the class, or various other combinations.

On a scale of 1 to "submit this to The Daily WTF immediately", how bad
is this code? :)


I get this error:

cmd console Win10:
$> py -V
Python 3.8.6

$> py
Building: Extractor
Building: Refinery
Building: Blender
Building: Packager
Building: Assembler
Crude is made in a Extractor
Water is made in a Extractor
Plastic is made in a Refinery
Rubber is made in a Refinery
Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "", line 123, in <module>
      class Rubber(Refinery):
    File "", line 72, in make_recipe
      if net <= alternate["makes"] and costs >= alternate["costs"]:
TypeError: '<=' not supported between instances of 'Counter' and 'Counter'

Huh. I forget sometimes which version something was introduced in.
Apparently the comparison operators on Counters came in with Python
3.10. Sorry about that. As an alternative, subtraction is very
approximately equivalent (if subtracting one counter from another
yields nothing, then the first one is smaller in total content than
the second), so it should be possible to adjust it.


I modified your code in the following way:

line 65-66:

    if (qty <= alternate["per_minute"]
and (costs[Extractor], costs) > (alternate["costs"][Extractor], alternate["costs"])

    if (qty <= alternate["per_minute"]
and (costs[Extractor], set(costs)) > (alternate["costs"][Extractor], set(alternate["costs"]))

and line 72:
    if net <= alternate["makes"] and costs >= alternate["costs"]:

if set(net) <= set(alternate["makes"]) and set(costs) >= set(alternate["costs"]):

The program runs now. Is the result correct?

Building: Extractor
Building: Refinery
Building: Blender
Building: Packager
Building: Assembler
Crude is made in a Extractor
Water is made in a Extractor
Plastic is made in a Refinery
Rubber is made in a Refinery
Fuel is made in a Refinery
Heavy Oil Residue is made in a Refinery
Polymer Resin is made in a Refinery
Residual Fuel is made in a Refinery
Diluted Fuel is made in a Blender
Canister is made in a Extractor
Package Water is made in a Packager
Diluted Packaged Fuel is made in a Refinery
Unpackage Fuel is made in a Packager
Petroleum Coke is made in a Refinery
Residual Plastic is made in a Refinery
Residual Rubber is made in a Refinery
Recycled Plastic is made in a Refinery
Recycled Rubber is made in a Refinery
Sulfur is made in a Extractor
Coal is made in a Extractor
Compacted is made in a Assembler
Turbofuel is made in a Refinery
Turbo Heavy Fuel is made in a Refinery
Turbo Blend Fuel is made in a Blender
Specify one or more target items
Exit code:  0

(forgive me your trouble)

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