Guenter wrote:
> I would be interested in how many frames this reaches on my computer.
> Did you create like two arbitrary images under PLI and then display
> them one after another? Then stop the time and count how many times you
> were able to switch between the two?
> One feature I need to figure out when using PLI is that I need to move
> a cursor over the image, controlled by a joystick. But I could add that
> with the drawing feature when creating the image.

Maybe it would be a good idea to tell us something about the nature of 
the image you'll be displaying (though the fact that it needs a 
cross-hair or something is useful information, for a start).  For 
example, is it a photographic image?  A map?  A drawing?  Is it 
generated dynamically, or is it static?  Do you pan over it, or zoom it, 
or what?


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