"unselectable text" not necessary means that it is an image. There is a CSS property that you can change to make a text selectable/unselectable.

And if it is an image, it very likely that it comes from the server as such, so "intercepting" the packet coming from there will be for nothing: you will have the same image.

About the "packet listener", you could setup a proxy between your browser and the server and use the proxy to see the messages. "Burp" is the classical tool for this.

But I have the feeling that the solution is easier.

Try the following: do it manually but take note of the steps you do.


1) Go to page https://www.parisclassenumerique.fr
2) Click in the upper-right menu button and choose "Tutoriels". Now the URL is https://www.parisclassenumerique.fr/lutece/jsp/site/Portal.jsp?page_id=9
3) Then click in "Comment démarrer sur PCN ?", on the left panel

... and so on.

Basically you can then translate those steps to Selenium/selectq and automate them. It's here where I could help you but I cannot do much without more info because I don't know which page you are looking and in which link you are trying to click and stuff like that.

On Sun, May 23, 2021 at 01:36:48AM -0700, max pothier wrote:
Seems like that could be a method of doing things. Just one clarification: the 
website has unselectable text, looks like it's an image strangely generated, so 
if I can get the packet with it, it would be perfect. As I said (I think), 
logging in with Selenium was already possible, and I could get a screenshot of 
the page after logging in.
If you got this working like a packet listener in browser capable of seeing 
packet data, I'd gladly accept the code.
I've tried to do this for 3 years now (since I came into that school 
basically), looks like it's coming to an end!

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