On 01Jun2021 19:48, Alan Gauld <alan.ga...@yahoo.co.uk> wrote:
>On 31/05/2021 16:16, Grant Edwards wrote:
>> On 2021-05-30, Alan Gauld via Python-list <python-list@python.org> wrote:
>>> You are not alone. debugging curses is one of the biggest obstacles 
>>> to
>>> its use.
>> Can't you just run the debugger in a different window and attach to
>> the process you want to debug? That's how one uses a debugger with
>> curses apps written in C/C++.
>That's how we did it when I used curses on VMS/Unix using C.

That's ok for C-level things - they're close to the metal. But this is 
Python, so such tools may well be poorly adapted.

>But I confess I didn't think you could attach any python
>debugger to another python session?

Dennis Lee Bieber wrote earlier in this thread:

     From http://heather.cs.ucdavis.edu/~matloff/winpdb.html
     About Winpdb and RPDB2:

     The Winpdb package, by Nir Aides, is an excellent Python debugger. It 
     especially nice because it can handle the debugging of threads- and
     curses-based code. It is a remote debugger, meaning that it connects
     through the network to a remote site (which can be the same machine at
     which it is invoked, which is typical).

     RPDB2 is text-based, while Winpdb is a GUI front end to RPDB2.

So it sounds like someone's done the hard work here. I can imagine it 
embeds a Python proxy in the app which can be remote controlled from the 
debugger client, but I'm just guessing wildly.

Cameron Simpson <c...@cskk.id.au>

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