Jacek Popławski wrote:
> In the last week I was working to create script which will read command 
> from socket, call it, return result, stdout, stderr and kill it after 
> timeout.
> After playing with threads, processes, spawns and popens I found 
> subprocess module.
[snip rest of answer]

While in general it's greatly appreciated when people post followups 
showing the answer to their problems, by not posting this in response to 
the original thread (and by changing the subject line) you are vastly 
reducing the value of your post.  It's much less likely someone 
searching the archives will ever discover that you did find a solution 
than if you were to go back and repost it to the original thread.

(If you can't find it in your news server, you could probably use Google 
Groups.  I *think* this was the thread you were referring to, but you 
should confirm for yourself:


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