Am 20.06.21 um 01:49 schrieb Terry Reedy:
On 6/19/2021 12:42 AM, Christian Gollwitzer wrote:
Sorry for that answer, but Tkinter does not support many of the most useful extensions for Tcl/Tk, because someone has to write the wrappers. It only supports what is provided by base Tk. Among those I consider useful and use in almost any application are:

Are these extensions included with the tcl/tk distribution, or otherwise available from active state?  Are this extensions included with Linux installations of tcl/tk?  Or easily installed?

Since ActiveState has pulled out the developers of Tcl a few years ago, I haven't used ActiveTcl anymore. I was surprised to see that they actually offer a fairly recent version, but it also cannot be simply downloaded, one has to register. It was unclear to me if it costs money.

Other people have stepped in to provide Tcl distributions where tese extensions are included; notable exanples are BAWT by Paul Obermeier which offers all of the mentioned packages (and many more), Androwish/Undroidwish by Christian Werner which was originally developed for Android, but now works on te major desktop platforms, and even kbskit can be mentioned, started by Rene Zaumseil and now updated in irregular intervals by me

I haven't checked the major linux distros, but they also might ship with some of these extensions.

Concerning installation, it differs. Tablelist (also part of tklib) and pdf4tcl are pure-Tcl packages and therefore easily installed. TkDnD, TkTable and tkTreeCtrl are compiled extensions and therefore more difficult - however, due to the stubs mechanism of Tcl, the version number of Tcl and C compiler do NOT need to match. Typically a binary downloaded for the right OS and bitness will work, and compilation from source works with an autoconf-based configure script.

Due to ActiveState's failure with the teapot, the Tcl world does now not any longer have a central repository tool like "pip" which works for everyone. This has just recently been discussed on comp.lang.tcl, but it is unlikely to happen in the near future.

It is of course unrealistic to expect that Tkinter supports every odd Tk extension fron the Tcl world, which might not even be maintained any longer. OTOH there are extensions that are well-maintained, that could as well be part of the core Tk, but aren't for political reasons. If Tkinter continues to be the shipped "first choice" GUI for Python, then a few could be included - or otherwise Tkinter will lack Drag'n'drop for ever and a reasonable Tree widget (the core one is verrrry basic).

Best regards,



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