Thanks for your commentary.

The module will be public domain.

I fixed the broken link (epydoc was inserting backslashes in URLs),
changed the default arguments to None as you suggested, and added
a randfunc=None and randargs=() default argument for random_matrix()
and random_vector() (the matrix is populated with randfunc(*randargs)
entries if randfunc is not None).

 - Connelly Barnes
   E-mail address: 'Y29ubmVsbHliYXJuZXNAeWFob28uY29t\n'.

>C. Barnes wrote:
>> Hi, I'm in the process of writing a Python linear
>> algebra module.
>> The current targeted interface is:
>Is this going to become free software. If yes, what license
>will you use?
>So my suggestions:
>In cases like these ones:
>       random_matrix(m, n=-1)
>       zero_matrix(m, n=-1)
>.. I think it's better to set the default value to "None"
>instead of a number:
>       random_matrix(m, n=None)
>       zero_matrix(m, n=None)
>IMHO, this is more intuitive and more "pythonic".
>I also suggest to make the "random function" choosable:
>       random_matrix(m, n=None, randfunc=random.random)
>       random_vector(n, randfunc=random.random)
>This way it's more easy for those who want another range
>of numbers, or want another kind of distribution of the
>random numbers.
>At the top of your documentation, there is a link "overview",
>which is broken:
>       See _overview_ for a quick start.
>       Volker
>Volker Grabsch

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