jak <nos...@please.ty> writes:

> Il 23/08/2021 13:12, Loris Bennett ha scritto:
>> Jon Ribbens <jon+use...@unequivocal.eu> writes:
>>> On 2021-08-23, Loris Bennett <loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de> wrote:
>>>> If instead of
>>>>    mail.set_content(body)
>>>> I do
>>>>    mail.set_content(body, cte="quoted-printable")
>>> Try print(mail.get_content()) rather than print(mail.as_string())
>> That did the trick - thanks!
>> Cheers,
>> Loris
> If you also want to know about the text, then that is probably utf8
> encoded and converted to base64:
> from base64 import b64decode
> coded=(b'RGVhciBEci4gQmVubmV0dCwKCkJsb3JwISBCbGVlcCEKCgotLQpNYWlsYm90IEl'
>        b'uYy4KMDEwMTAxIEJvdCBCb3VsZXZhcmQKQm90aGFtIENpdHkKQsO2dGxhbmQK')
> uncoded = b64decode(coded).decode('utf8')
> print(uncoded)
> output:
> Dear Dr. Bennett,
> Blorp! Bleep!
> --
> Mailbot Inc.
> 010101 Bot Boulevard
> Botham City
> Bötland

Thanks!  I don't need that right now, but it's good to know which
decoding hoop I would have to jump through, if I did.



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