George Fischhof <> writes:

[snip (79 lines)]

>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Also you can give a try to click and / or  typer packages.
>> > Putting args into environment variables can be a solution too
>> > All of these depends on several things: personal preferences, colleagues
>> /
>> > firm standards, the program, readability, variable accessibility (IDE
>> > support, auto completition) (env vars not supported by IDEs as they are
>> not
>> > part of code)
>> Thanks for the pointers, although I have only just got my head around
>> argparse/configargparse, so click is something I might have a look at
>> for future project.
>> However, the question of how to parse the arguments is somewhat separate
>> from that of how to pass (or not pass) the arguments around within a
>> program.

[snip (16 lines)]
> Hi,
> I thought not just parsing, but the usage method: you add a decorator to
> the function where you want to use the parameters. This way you do not have
> to pass the value through the calling hierarchy.
> Note: typer is a newer package, it contains click and leverages command
> line parsing even more.

Do you have an example of how this is done?  From a cursory reading of
the documentation, it didn't seem obvious to me how to do this, but then
I don't have much understanding of how decorators work.



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