
I am having difficulty getting the my logging configuration passed on
to imported modules.

My initial structure was as follows:

  $ tree blorp/
  |-- blorp
  |   |-- __init__.py
  |   |-- bar.py
  |   |-- foo.py
  |   `-- main.py
  `-- pyproject.toml

whereby the logging configuration is done in main.py.

After thinking about it, I decided maybe the inheritance wasn't working
because main.py is in the same directory as the other files.  So I
changed the structure to

  $ tree blorp/
  |-- blorp
  |   |-- __init__.py
  |   |-- bar.py
  |   `-- foo.py
  |-- main.py
  `-- pyproject.toml

but the logging configuration still is not propagated.

Can anyone at least confirm that moving main.py to the directory above
the other files is the correct thing to do and thus the problem is being
caused by something else?



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