On Wed, 8 Sep 2021 21:54:14 -0400, Ricardo <rickcart...@gmail.com>
declaimed the following:

>   Hey Python and crew I'm having difficulties installing and running Python
>   on my computer. I've seen plenty YouTube videos on how to set it up, but
>   none of them have worked. Any help or guidance will be greatly
>   appreciated.

        INFORMATION... We want... information.

        "None of them have worked" is as useful to us as "I went out to a
football field looking for baseballs" (actually, the latter is more
informative and useful for debugging).

        What is "Npp" -- Wikipedia shows a dozen political parties, a weather
satellite, a number of chemical compounds, an Australian electronic payment
system, and a form of rocket propulsion.

        What exactly is happening when you attempt to run Python? HOW are you
attempting to run it?

        The most common problem is that people keep clicking on the INSTALLER
file -- once the installer has run, just stuff it some place safe should
you need to fix an install. Python is not some massive IDE like Visual
Studio. It is a language interpreter, commonly run from a command shell by
typing "Python some-script-file-name" (though newer Python's include a
so-called "launcher" invoked as just "py").

        Wulfraed                 Dennis Lee Bieber         AF6VN
        wlfr...@ix.netcom.com    http://wlfraed.microdiversity.freeddns.org/


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