What Does It Do?
The CFG configuration format is a text format for configuration files which is 
to, and a superset of, the JSON format.It has the following aims:

* Allow a hierarchical configuration scheme with support for key-value mappings 
* Support cross-references between one part of the configuration and another.
* Provide a string interpolation facility to easily build up configuration 
values from
  other configuration values.
* Provide the ability to compose configurations (using include and merge 
* Provide the ability to access real application objects safely.
* Be completely declarative.

It overcomes a number of drawbacks of JSON when used as a configuration format:

* JSON is more verbose than necessary.
* JSON doesn’t allow comments.
* JSON doesn’t provide first-class support for dates and multi-line strings.
* JSON doesn’t allow trailing commas in lists and mappings.
* JSON doesn’t provide easy cross-referencing, interpolation, or composition.

The Python config module provides an interface to work with configuration files 
in the CFG format.

Comprehensive documentation is available at


and you can report issues / enhancement requests at


As always, your feedback is most welcome (especially bug reports, patches and
suggestions for improvement). Enjoy!


Vinay Sajip


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